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PMI® pre-approved PMP® Certification Exam Prep Course - for 40 PDUs/contact hours

4-weekend classes; students may schedule to take the PMP® Certification exam right after

PMP Certified Instructors with over 10 years of PMP® certification training experience

Instructors with over eighteen years of industry experience

100% True Money Back Guarantee (class schedule)

Success Rate (98% first time exam takers)

1000+ PMP® certification test - style prep questions

PMP Training Course completion certification

Schedule – Next batch starts next week. Class hours 8:30 am – 12:00pm on Sat & Sun

Course Contents

1. Integration Management

2. Scope Management

3. Time Management

4. Cost Management

5. Quality Management

6. Human Resource Management

7. Risk Management

8. Communications Management

9. Procurement Management

10.  Stakeholder Management,

11.  Project Management Context, Framework, Processes, and

12.  PMP Certification Examination tips, tricks, and strategy.


Email for more details : pmp@trainingbootcamps.com

Phone: (972) 665 8756

URL: http://www.trainingbootcamps.com/courses/pmp-bootcamp/


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